Sometimes, you need to convert a percent into a fraction. So, how can you do it?
The truth is that while most students don’t experience any difficulties converting a fraction to a percent, the same can’t be true about the opposite. With this in mind, we decided to create a very simple yet effective percent to fraction calculator for you that you can see at the top of this page.
Discover how to convert a fraction to percent.
Using Our Percent To Fraction Calculator

If you take a look at our percent to fraction calculator at the top of this page, you will be able to see that it is incredibly easy to use. After all, all that you need to do is to add the percent number and then simply click on the Calculate button.
So, if you want to know the fraction of 50%, you just need to add 50 to the blank field and click on the Calculate button. As you are about to find out:
50% = 1/2
Using our regular fractions calculator.
If you want to know the fraction of 65%, you just need to add 65 to the blank field and click on the Calculate button. As you are about to find out:
65% = 13/20
And if you want to know the fraction of 23%, you just need to add 23 to the blank field and click on the Calculate button. As you are about to find out:
23% = 23/100
Using our mixed fraction calculator.
Percent To Fraction Conversion Table

In case you’re in a hurry and you just need to convert one or multiple percents into fractions, then you may want to check out the quick percent to fraction conversion table below.
Percent | Fraction |
1% | 1/100 |
10% | 1/10 |
11.11% | 1/9 |
12.5% | 1/8 |
14.29% | 1/7 |
16.67% | 1/6 |
20% | 1/5 |
22.22% | 2/9 |
25% | 1/4 |
28.57% | 2/7 |
30% | 3/10 |
33.33 | 1/3 |
37.5% | 3/8 |
40% | 2/5 |
42.86% | 3/7 |
44.44% | 4/9 |
50% | 1/2 |
55.56% | 5/9 |
57.14% | 4/7 |
60% | 3/5 |
62.5% | 5/8 |
66.67% | 2/3 |
70% | 7/10 |
71.43% | 5/7 |
75% | 3/4 |
77.78% | 7/9 |
80% | 8/10 |
83.33% | 5/6 |
85.71 | 6/7 |
87.5% | 7/8 |
88.89% | 8/9 |
90% | 9/10 |
How To Convert Percent To Fraction By Hand
One of the things that many students need to know about math is that you don’t always have a calculator near them. So, you need to know how to make the calculations by hand when you need to. So, even though you can simply use our percent to fraction calculator, our advice is to learn how to make this conversion by hand as well.
So, here are all the steps you need to take in order to convert percent into fraction by hand:

Step #1: Divide the percentage by 100 to get a decimal number.
Step #2: Use that number as the numerator (top) of a fraction. Put a 1 in the denominator (bottom) of the fraction.
Step #3: Convert the decimal to a whole number: Count how many places are to the right of the decimal. If you have x decimal places then multiply numerator and denominator by 10x.
Step #4: Reduce the fraction: Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator and reduce the fraction by dividing both numerator and denominator by the GCF.
Step #5: Simplify the remaining fraction to a mixed number fraction if possible.