Converting a fraction into percent is one of the simplest math operations that you can do. However, there are many math students who fail in understanding this simple concept. After all, it’s not uncommon to see students fearing math and they don’t even give it a chance. So, maybe you want to start here.
Fraction To Percent Calculator

As we already mentioned, converting a fraction into a percentage is pretty straightforward. Nevertheless, we add our own fraction to percent calculator to the top of this page so that you can use it anytime you are in doubt about the results you are getting.
Check out our mixed fraction calculator.
If you look at our simple calculator, you will be able to see that everything you need to do is to add both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction and then click on the Calculate button to get the percent.
Let’s say that you want to convert 5/6 into percent. In this case, you just need to add 5 to the top blank field (the numerator) and the 6 to the denominator blank field (the bottom field). As soon as you click on the Calculate button, you will get:
5/6 = 83%
Fraction To Percent Conversion Table

Here’s a quick fraction to percent conversion table that may help you out when you are in need of just a specific percent of a fraction.
Fraction | Percent |
1/2 | 50% |
1/3 | 33.33% |
2/3 | 66.67% |
1/4 | 25% |
2/4 | 50% |
3/4 | 75% |
1/5 | 20% |
2/5 | 40% |
3/5 | 60% |
4/5 | 80% |
1/6 | 16.67% |
2/6 | 33.33% |
3/6 | 50% |
4/6 | 66.67% |
5/6 | 83.33% |
1/7 | 14.285714% |
2/7 | 28.571429% |
3/7 | 42.857143% |
4/7 | 57.142858% |
5/7 | 71.428571% |
6/7 | 85.714286% |
1/8 | 12.5% |
2/8 | 25% |
3/8 | 37.5% |
4/8 | 50% |
5/8 | 62.5% |
6/8 | 75% |
7/8 | 87.5% |
1/9 | 11.111111% |
2/9 | 22.222222% |
3/9 | 33.333333% |
4/9 | 44.444444% |
5/9 | 55.555556% |
6/9 | 66.666667% |
7/9 | 77.777778% |
8/9 | 88.888889% |
1/10 | 10% |
2/10 | 20% |
3/10 | 30% |
4/10 | 40% |
5/10 | 50% |
6/10 | 60% |
7/10 | 70% |
8/10 | 80% |
9/10 | 90% |
Not sure how to add fractions?
How To Convert Fraction To Percent By Hand
As we stated at the beginning, converting fractions to percent is one of the simplest math operations that you can do. So, here is the process that you need to follow:
Step #1: Use division to convert the fraction to a decimal.
Step #2: Multiply by 100 to get percent value.
Understanding percent and fractions.
here’s a quick example. Let’s say that you want to convert 5/2 to percentage. If you follow the process we just told you:
Step #1: Use division to convert the fraction to a decimal:
5/2 = 5 รท 2 = 2.5
Step #2: Multiply by 100 to get percent value:
2.5 X 100 = 250%
Understanding fractions division.

As you can see, it is pretty easy to convert a fraction to percent. So, you can now do these calculations by hand or simply use our fraction to percent calculator to help you out.