a / b + c / d | a b / c + d e / f | |||
Answer: | ||
Result= |
Today, we decided to show you how you can easily use our fraction division calculator to divide all the fractions that you need. One of the best things about our fraction division calculator is the fact that it is not only simple to use as you can also use it for multiple types of fractions – regular fractions and fractions with mixed numbers.
Using Our Fraction Division Calculator

As we already mentioned above, dividing fractions is very simple especially if you use our fraction division calculator.
When you want to use our calculator, the first thing that you need to do is to look at the fractions that you want to divide and see if they are regular fractions or mixed numbers. Depending on this, you may need to choose option one or two.
Next, you will only need to fill out the numbers in the numerators and denominators in the fraction division calculator. As soon as you complete, you just need to click on the Calculate button. The result will appear in the form of a fraction as we will also tell you the decimal result.
If you believe this may be too complicated, let’s check a couple of examples so that you can understand the entire process.

Example #1: Let’s imagine that you want to divide the following fractions: 1/4 and 6/5.
As we already mentioned, you will need to first select the kind of fraction that you will be using. In this case, since there are no mixed numbers, you will select the first option.
Don’t know how to subtract fractions?
Then, you will just need to add both fractions to the respective places of the numerator and denominator. As soon as you click on the Calculate button, you will get the following result:
1/4 ÷ 6/5 = 5/24 = 0.21
Learn more about dividing simple fractions rules.
Example #2: Let’s now imagine that you want to divide the following fractions: 3 (1/3) and 2 (2/5).
As we already mentioned, you will need to first select the kind of fraction that you will be using. In this case, since there are no mixed numbers, you will select the first option.
Then, you will just need to add both fractions to the respective places of the numerator and denominator. As soon as you click on the Calculate button, you will get the following result:
3 (1/3) ÷ 2 (2/5) = 1 (7/18) = 1.39
Multiplying fractions doesn’t need to be hard.
Dividing Fractions By Hand
In case you don’t know how to divide fractions by hand, you are about to discover that the process is very simple.
Let’s use an example so that you can easily understand how to proceed. Let’s say that you want to know the result of: 1/2 ÷ 1/6.

Step #1: Turn the second fraction upside down (it becomes a reciprocal):
1/6 becomes 6/1
Step #2: Multiply the first fraction by that reciprocal:
1/2 X 6/1 = (1 X 6) / (2 X 1) = 6/2
Step #3: Simplify the fraction:
6/2 =3