When you are in the middle of a math exercise, you may feel the need to convert a fraction to a decimal. After all, sometimes, just by looking at a fraction and especially when you are comparing fractions to see which one is higher or lower, it is easier if you just convert it into a decimal.
And to tell you the truth, converting fractions to decimals is pretty straightforward.
Using Our Fraction To Decimal Calculator

If you take a look at the top of this page, you will be able to see the fraction to decimal calculator that we created for you. As you can see, it is very simple and you shouldn’t experience any kinds of problems using it.
As you can easily understand, when you have a fraction that you want to convert into a decimal, you just need to fill out the blank spaces with your fraction. Remember that you need to pay attention to place the numerator on the top blank field and the denominator on the bottom blank field.
As soon as you do this, just click on the Calculate button to get the equivalent decimal.
Discover how to convert percent to fraction.
Let’s say that you want to convert the fraction 54/65 into a decimal. All you need to do is to add 54 to the top blank field (numerator) and add 65 to the bottom blank field (denominator). Then just click Calculate. You will be able to see the decimal right below the button. In this case:
54/65 = 0.830769231

Let’s say that you want to convert the fraction 89/15 into a decimal. All you need to do is to add 89 to the top blank field (numerator) and add 15 to the bottom blank field (denominator). Then just click Calculate. You will be able to see the decimal right below the button. In this case:
89/15 = 5.933333333
As you can see, our calculator is not only simple as it is also fast and accurate.
However, in our opinion, we believe that it is always best to learn how to make all these calculations by hand. So, we are going to show you exactly how to do it.
Discover how to use our fraction to percentage calculator.
How To Convert Fraction To Decimal By Hand
When you are trying to convert a fraction into a decimal, all that you need to know is the meaning of the word fraction. After all, if you remember the first class about fractions that you took, your teacher told you that in a fraction, the fraction bar means divided by. So, this means that when you have the fraction 9/7, this is the same as saying 9 divided by 7, as it is also the same as having:
9/7 = 9 ÷ 7

Besides, if you think about it, you know that when you do this division, you will get a decimal number. So, simply put, when you are looking to convert a fraction to a decimal, you just need to make the division. Getting back at our example:
9/7 = 9 ÷ 7 = 1.285714286
Understanding mixed fractions calculations.
Here’s a different example. Let’s now say that you want to convert the fraction 34/69 into a decimal. As you can see, while the first conversion that we looked at was simpler to solve even by hand, this one may be a bit more difficult since the numerator is inferior to the denominator. In case you don’t remember, this means that you will get a result inferior to 1. In this case:
34/69 = 34 ÷ 69 = 0.492753623