No matter if you are still in school or if you just happen to need to convert a fraction to decimal, it’s important that you know how to do this.
The reality is that both fractions and decimals are a great way to represent parts which means that they can represent things that simply can’t be represented in terms of a whole number.

Learn more about fractions calculations.
While it is easy to understand this concept, a lot of people tend to struggle when they want to convert a fraction to decimal. So, today, we will show you how you can do this in an easy and fast way.
How To Convert A Fraction To Decimal
#1: Use Our Fraction To Decimal Calculator:

One of the simplest and easiest ways that you have to convert a fraction to decimal is to simply use our free fraction to decimal calculator.
Our calculator is not only available online as you can use it for free whenever you want or need.
If you check our fraction to decimal calculator, you can easily see that you will only need to add the numerator and then the denominator on the respective blank areas. As soon as you do this, click on the Calculate button and you will immediately see the respective decimal.
#2: Expand The Denominator To The Power Of 10:
While this method may seem very complicated, it really isn’t. In fact, this is probably one of the simplest methods that you can use when you want to convert a fraction to decimal.
Since we believe that one of the best ways to learn and understand these concepts is by showing you some examples, this is how we will proceed.
Example #1: Let’s say that you want to convert the fraction 5/25 to decimal.
As we stated above, you will need to expand the denominator in the form of power of 10. So, in this case, with the fraction 5/25, you will need to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 4:
(5 X 4) / (25 X 4) = 20 / 100 = 0.2
Example #2: Let’s now say that you want to convert the fraction 2/5 to decimal.
As we stated above, you will need to expand the denominator in the form of power of 10. So, in this case, with the fraction 2/5, you will need to multiply both the numerator and denominator by 2:
(2 X 2) / (5 X 2) = 4 / 10 = 0.4
Confirm your results with our free faction to decimal calculator.
#3: Use The Long Division Method:

The long division method is also very used when you want to convert a fraction to decimal by hand. Besides, it is also very simple and straightforward.
One of the best things about using this method is that you can use it for all types of fractions. But let’s check an example.
Let’s say that you want to convert the fraction 4/5 into a decimal. All you need to do is to use the division method that you leaner at school. So, you will get that 4/5 = 0.8