Result | |||
According to our experience, one of the areas that math students tend to have some difficulties is related to fractions. However, they don’t need to be hard. You just need to understand them, how they work, and you’ll soon be able to solve all math problems without issues.
Decimal To Fraction Calculator

If you take a look at the top of this page, you will find our decimal to fraction calculator. The reason why we developed it was to ensure that you had a calculator not only to allow you to make the conversions that you need from decimals to fractions but that you could also have a calculator you could use to confirm your results.
Discover our fraction to percentage calculator.
The reality is that our convert decimal to fraction is pretty much self.explanatory. As you can see, all you are required to do is to add the decimal number that you want to convert to a fraction in the blank field. Then, just press the Calculate button and get your result in the fraction form.
Let’s say that you want to convert the decimal 4.35 into a fraction. All you need to do is to add the 4.25 in the blank field and click on the Calculate button. As soon as you do this, your result will appear right below the button:
4.25 = 1 (1/4)
Imagine that you now want to convert the decimal 35.98 into a fraction. All you need to do is to add the 35.98 in the blank field and click on the Calculate button. As soon as you do this, your result will appear right below the button:
35.98 = 35 (43100855808819/43980465111040)
Don’t know how to convert percent to fraction?
Convert Decimal To Fraction – Quick Conversion Table

How To Convert Decimal To Fraction By Hand
- Write the decimal fraction as a fraction of the digits to the right of the decimal period (numerator) and a power of 10 (denominator).
- Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator.
- Reduce the fraction by dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd.
Example #1
Convert 0.32 to fraction:
0.32 = 32/100
Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator:
gcd(32,100) = 4
Reduce the fraction by dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd:
0.32 = (32/4) / (100/4) = 8/25

Example #2
Convert 2.56 to fraction:
2.56 = 2+56/100
Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator:
gcd(56,100) = 4
Reduce the fraction by dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd:
2+56/100 = 2 + (56/4) / (100/4) = 2+14/25
Example #3
Convert 0.124 to fraction:
0.124 = 124/1000
Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the numerator and the denominator:
gcd(124,1000) = 4
Reduce the fraction by dividing the numerator and the denominator with the gcd:
0.124 = (124/4) / (1000/4) = 31/250
Discover how to convert fraction to decimal.
How to convert repeating decimal to fraction
Example #1
Convert 0.333333… to fraction:
x = 0.333333…
10x = 3.333333…
10x – x = 9x = 3
x = 3/9 = 1/3
Example #2
Convert 0.0565656… to fraction:
x = 0.0565656…
100x = 5.6565656…
100x – x = 99x = 5.6
990x = 56
x = 56/990 = 28/495