The truth is that fractions are an important part of math. However, this doesn’t mean that students like them or even understand them completely.
One of the things that it is important for both teachers and students to understand is that it is important to understand fractions for the future. And we’re talking about daily life situations where you may need to use these math skills. After all, from carpentry to cooking to sewing and sports, you can’t really escape fractions.
Discover what you need to know about fractions calculation.
Fractions Can Be Hard To Learn

The reality is that we understand when we hear some students state that learning fractions is hard. And this is one of the reasons why you can use our mixed fraction calculator.
It’s curious to see that many students can’t even put fractions in order of size and this may be due to the way how teachers explain fractions to students. While it was common up until now to teach students about fractions using pie charts, for example, we are glad to see that many teachers are already adopting new teaching methods that can turn fractions simpler for students to learn. From using models and lines or cutting paper into thirds or sevenths to see which fraction is bigger and what denominators mean.

While you can always use our mixed fraction calculator to help you with mixed fractions or to calculate the result, the truth is that we see that students tend to find a lot easier to compare different fractions using number lines, for example. In addition, the newer approaches emphasize understanding how to compare fractions before students go on to learn procedures such as adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying fractions.
Why Is It Important To Learn And Understand Fractions In Early Grades

One of the things that we have been seeing in the last couple of years is that many students come with a negative approach towards math in general. They are led to believe, since early ages, that mat is difficult and complicated. However, it doesn’t need to be that way. All you need to think is that math and its understanding, in general, evolves a lot of work. You need to first understand the concepts and then practice those concepts until they are well-consolidated. However, many students don’t even try to put this into practice. And this is not only true for fractions but for math in general.
Check out our mixed fraction calculator.
In case you are beginning to learn fractions, then we urge you to try to understand the concept and then practice. After a couple of days working with fractions, you will see that these aren’t complicated at all.
Besides, math concepts such as fractions that students do not master in the early grades can go on to confuse them later on and to cause them a great deal of math anxiety. The reality is that students need to intuitively understand concepts rather than just memorize language or symbols, as such rote memorization does not lead to long-term understanding.