When you are looking to convert a percentage to a fraction, you need to know that you don’t need to struggle. The reality is that it is a fairly simple process. Above all, after you understand the method, you will be able to convert a percentage to a fraction easily and quickly.

As we just mentioned, converting percents to fractions is fairly straightforward. All you need to remember is that the word percent means “out of 100.” So changing percents to fractions naturally involves the number 100.
To convert a percent to a fraction, use the number in the percent as your numerator (top number) and the number 100 as your denominator (bottom number):
39% = 39/100
86% = 86/100
217% = 217/100
As always with fractions, you may need to reduce to lowest terms or convert an improper fraction to a mixed number.
In the three examples, 39/100 can’t be reduced or converted to a mixed number. However, 86/100 can be reduced because the numerator and denominator are both even numbers:
86/100 = 43/50
And 217/100 can be converted to a mixed number because the numerator (217) is greater than the denominator (100):
217/100 = 2.17/100
Discover how to divide fractions.
How To Convert A Percentage To A Fraction

The important fact to remember when dealing with percentages is that percent means ‘out of 100’. To convert a percentage to a fraction, follow the steps below:
Step #1: Change your percentage to a fraction by putting the percentage number over a denominator of 100.
Step #2: Change it to the simplest form if required.
You have now changed your percentage to a fraction.
Practical Examples

Practical Example #1: Convert 35% into a fraction in its simplest form.
To convert the percentage to a fraction we put the percentage number over a denominator of 100.
So we have 35% = 35/100
Next we need to change the fraction to simplest form. In this case, by dividing the numerator and denominator by 5.
35/100 = (35 ÷ 5) / (100 ÷ 5) = 7/20
So we have
35% = 35/100 = 7/20
Learn how to add and subtract fractions.
Practical Example #2: Convert 57% into a fraction.
To convert the percentage to a fraction we put the percentage number over a denominator of 100.
So we have:
57% = 57/100
This fraction is already in simplest form.
So we have
57% = 57/100
Practical Example #3: Convert 132% to a mixed fraction.
To convert the percentage to a fraction we put the percentage number over a denominator of 100.
So we have
132% = 132/100
Next we need to change the fraction to simplest form. In this case, we can divide the numerator and denominator by 4.
132/100 = (132 ÷ 4) / (100 ÷ 4) = 33/25
Next we need to convert it to a mixed fraction (or mixed number).
33/25 = 1.8/25
So we have
132% = 33/25 = 1.8/25
Learn more about converting between percents, fractions, and decimals.
Practical Example #4: Convert 225% to an improper fraction.
To convert the percentage to a fraction we put the percentage number over a denominator of 100.
So we have 225% = 225/100
Next, we need to change the fraction to the simplest form. In this case, we can divide the numerator and denominator by 25.
225/100 = (225 ÷ 25) / (100 ÷ 25) = 9/4
So we have
225% = 225/100 = 9/4