Learning Fractions Through Cooking

The majority of parents are aware that cooking with kids can be amusing and that it also helps them eat more wholesome food, but are you aware that young minds can also learn from the cooking process? In this article, we will explain how acquiring cooking skills also helps kids acquire life and academic skills. … Read more

How To Convert A Percentage To A Fraction


When you are looking to convert a percentage to a fraction, you need to know that you don’t need to struggle. The reality is that it is a fairly simple process. Above all, after you understand the method, you will be able to convert a percentage to a fraction easily and quickly.  Learn more about … Read more

How To Convert Fractions To Percentages


Sometimes, you need to convert fractions to percentages. So, how can you do it in an easy way? The truth is that when you want to convert fractions to percentages, you have two different ways or methods: Learn everything you need to know about fractions. #1: The Denominator Way: Simply put, using this method implies … Read more

How To Divide Fractions


Working with fractions is not easy for some people. For others, it’s quite simple unless they need to divide fractions.  Discover everything you need to know about fractions. The reality is that if you are trying to teach your students how to divide fractions, you can tell them that it can be as simple as … Read more

How To Add And Subtract Fractions


Many people struggle with fractions. However, all you need to keep in mind is that a fraction is just a division or a decimal number if you prefer.  The truth is that while adding and subtracting fractions may seem tricky at first, all you need to do is to follow a few simple steps. Then, … Read more

Converting Between Percents, Fractions, And Decimals


Many math students struggle with conversions between percents, fractions, and decimals. However, these conversions don’t have to be difficult. In fact, they are quite easy. All it requires is for you to understand the concepts and the methods used. Then, it will be a matter of practicing just like everything else in math.  Learn everything … Read more

Decimals To Fractions To Percentages – The Relationship Between Them


There’s no question that one of the most important concepts of the number system is decimals and fractions. As you probably already know, they actually mean the same while they are expressed in different ways.  Discover everything you need to know about fractions. Simply put, there are 2 types of numbers: #1: Integers:  These refer … Read more

Multiplying Fractions And Mixed Numbers


While many people struggle with multiplying fractions and mixed numbers, the truth is that all you need to keep in mind is that you need to follow a set of rules.  Learn how to calculate fractions. The truth is that, in most cases, people don’t like fractions. So, when they need to do simple operations … Read more

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