The Importance Of Decimals


You may be wondering why do we even need decimals. After all, we already have whole numbers. However, we have to say that whole numbers aren’t just enough.  One of the things that you may not know is that whole numbers are also called counting numbers for a reason. After all, they allow you to … Read more

Converting Between Percents, Fractions, And Decimals


Many math students struggle with conversions between percents, fractions, and decimals. However, these conversions don’t have to be difficult. In fact, they are quite easy. All it requires is for you to understand the concepts and the methods used. Then, it will be a matter of practicing just like everything else in math.  Learn everything … Read more

Decimals To Fractions To Percentages – The Relationship Between Them


There’s no question that one of the most important concepts of the number system is decimals and fractions. As you probably already know, they actually mean the same while they are expressed in different ways.  Discover everything you need to know about fractions. Simply put, there are 2 types of numbers: #1: Integers:  These refer … Read more

Decimals – Writing, Reading, And Comparing


There’s no question that many students fail to understand decimals the right way. However, it’s important to keep in mind that as soon as you understand the basic concepts, you won’t struggle with decimals ever again.   Check out our fraction calculator. Writing And Reading Decimals One of the things that we realized is that most … Read more

Understanding Decimals


In order to better understand decimals, you need to know what decimals are in the first place.  Simply put, a decimal is just a number that is expressed in the scale of tens. If you are looking for a more familiar language, then you can say that decimal numbers include a decimal point to represent … Read more

Working With Decimals


As you probably already know, fractions and decimals are simply two different ways to represent parts of a whole number.  In what concerns to decimals and especially when you are working with decimals, it is important to keep in mind that they are a way to express tenths, hundredths, thousandths (and beyond) of a unit. … Read more

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